Share reports in Looker Studio

To share Looker Studio, click on the Share Button or Arrow within the Share button. It's located in the top right corner or Uses the File > Share menu option to invite other people to view or edit your report.

Embed report in Google Data Studio
Share > Add people in Looker Studio (Formerly known as Data Studio)

Add people

  • You can assign view or edit right while sharing

  • You can also choose to notify the recipient, and they will receive an email notification on the selected email address

💡 Looker studio reports only can be shared with a Google-hosted email address. e.g. your personal Gmail email or Google Workspace email. You will see an error while adding other than Google-hosted email addresses:"You can only add people with email addresses managed by Google. Remove the highlighted recipient and try again."💡 If you are a report editor and still don't have the option to share, the report owner must allow you to share the reports. If you don't have access, it means "Prevent editors from changing access and adding new people" options is selected, e.g. below.
Share > Manage access in Google Data Studio
Share > Manage access in Looker Studio (Formerly known as Data Studio)

Manage access

Within Manage access, if you choose an option, anything other than the "Off – only specific people can access" report will be accessible to anyone with a link to the Internet depending on your selected choices. And also a report will be accessible without a Google-hosted email address. You can do the following within the Manage access tab

  • See your report sharing setting.

  • List of report audiences and the access level (Owner, Editor, Viewer)

  • You can change the access level to individual report audiences, and the option includes "Can edit", "Can view", "Remove", and "Make owner."

  • Select or deselect "Prevent editors from changing access and adding new people"

  • Select or deselect "Disable downloading, printing and copying for viewers"

Link sharing options

  • Anyone on the Internet can find and view

  • Anyone on the Internet can find edit

  • Anyone with the link can view

  • Anyone with the link can edit

  • Off – only specific people can access

Under the share drop-down arrow, you will also find these options